I am using this blog as a way to vent when I have had a hard day while my husband is gone.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Wow its been forever since I posted
Wow where to start how bout this past week. Tuesday I went to Mineral Wells with a friend of mine, then came back tried to stay home in the cool on Wednsday,, Thursday got a call from my mom telling me my best friends husband passed away. He was only 35 years old. And then got a call from the people that we bought a stereo system for our truck from to tell me that the box that we had to order from a differant store finally came in. Then today go to get it installed and found out that we ordered the wrong boxes for our truck so had to go exchange them to get the right ones. And then tomorrow to sign the papers to get the new box and to hopefully get it installed so I can get home.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Well he has been gone a month today.
I can't believe that my husband has been gone to Iraq a month today, some days it seems longer, some days I am not sure how I feel and some days it doesn't feel like its been that long. I am just ready for September to be here. I was actually ready for that the minute he got into the last formation to get on to the bus to leave. I miss my husband so much. This may sound bad but today I almost bought he body wash just so I could smell him close again. I got to find something to do to stay busy. On the agenda for the next few days is to find work or something to do.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Today was fun
This morning I got to video chat with my husband. Then took my grandpa to breakfast, then took my grandmother to run a few errands and then came home and got ready to go to dinner with some really good friends of ours. I really enjoyed seeing them, just wish Devon could have been here for it. Maybe next time he can be here for it. Well it is time to get off here and get ready for bed. Got a hot date with my stepdad in the morning. LOL. Night yall and sweet dreams and be safe.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Nice to be home
So I got to go home for a week. It has been so nice to be home. My brother-in-law came home from the hospital yesterday when I got into town. Then today I have gotten to spend the day with my sister. It has been really nice. Tomorrow I am going to dinner with some friends. Then Friday I am gonna go spend the day with my stepdad shopping and so forth. Then Saturday who knows what..
Monday, February 7, 2011
1 Week Down 51 weeks left
Today we made it past the one week mark since this deployment started. It started out I got to talk to hubby on yahoo for a little bit and then I went to get his Nook. I stopped into Target for a baby registery for a for a friend and when I was checking out guess what I got I got my first phone call of the deployment it made my day so much better. I was so happy to hear his voice it made the day awesome. I can't wait till my next phone call. It may be a few days before I post again cause I am going home for a week. So talk to yall soon.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Day 5 down missed a day oops

Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Day 3 down 362 left to go
So I made it through day 3. It has actually so far went by fast. It helps that I have a great friend who keeps me out of the house and busy. I need to clean my house. I got to talk to the hubby this morning for a little bit it was so nice to get to chat with him on yahoo and hear his voice what little bit we could talk with the sucky internet they have over there. Well i am off to bed so I can get up and clean my house tomorrow. Night everyone.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Another day closer
So we just got home from a day full of fun for the last few nights and days that the hubby will be home before leaving for the sandbox. So we went and ate breakfast this morning, went to Best Buy to figure out what hubby wanted me to send him in Iraq either a Kindle or a Nook I believe after a trip to Barns and Noble we are gonna get the new Nook color when taxes come in. Had dinner at Cheddar's, hubby got his chicken fried steak he wanted before he left and I got one too. Lol. Now for the rest of the night we are in to relax and just spend time together before that dreadful day comes. Well I think that is it for tonight. Night y'all see ya tomorrow sometime.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Not long till he leaves
Wow it seems just like yesterday that I got him home from Iraq the first time. I have mixed feelings about this deployment, I am scared, worried, many other feelings as well, but most of all I am gonna miss my husband like crazy. I stayed home last deployment so this is a whole new ball game for me. I am not saying I doubt that I can't do it I know I can do it I just know it is going to be hard. I am a Army wife. I knew he would be gone a lot. Shoot we have spent over 85% of our relationship apart. For the first 2 years that I knew him he was in Germany. Then he got stationed stateside then 5 months later he was shipped off to Iraq then when he came home for R&R and then 2 weeks later I sent my new husband back to Iraq. Then two months later he came home for good in Nov. Now just over a year later I am sending him back to the sandbox. I guess why I am so bugged and upset with this deployment is we were first told that they would be home till at least June of this year and then about June of last year we got word they were being deployed in March then it got bumped up sooner again and well here it staring us in the face already. I guess I am done venting for the day. Please don't judge me on my feelings just listen.
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